News about Aboriginal country and culture in Western Australia

20 October 2010

Finland university students learn about WA Native Title

Sanna Nalder, our Geraldton-based Anthropologist, was recently invited to give two lectures at the Giellagas Institute at University of Oulu, Finland. Sanna spoke about WA Native Title and Aboriginal Heritage with Giellagas Institute researchers, staff and students of  Sami culture and language, anthropology, history and teaching.

Despite the cultural, geographical and historical differences,  Sanna says there there are similar concerns, sense of importance and responsibility shared by Finland's Indigenous people, the Sami, when it comes to rights to land and cultural heritage protection.

The audience was interested in Australian Aboriginal culture in general as well as the research practices in Native Title and the high standard of proof required to prove that Native Title exists. As there is increasing mining interest in Finnish Lapland, the heritage protection practices used in Western Australia were also discussed.

Sanna will keep in touch with the staff at the institute and continue the discussion and exchange of ideas.
Links to Uni of Oulu:

Giellagas Institute:

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