Darren "Capes" Capewell teaching stories of his country to YMAC staff |
A descendant of the Malgana and Nanda people, Capes is passionate about increasing understanding of and respect for Aboriginal culture.
He does this by offering a variety of tours that include bushwalking, kayaking, collecting bush tucker, and telling stories about the country and its first peoples. “I make all my tours interactive, so people participate in the experience,” he said.
Wula Guda Nyinda translates to “you come this way,” which refers to sharing stories, both between generations and between cultures. Capes sums up this approach with the philosophy of education, understanding and respect, which he stresses throughout his tours.
“I try to challenge negative stereotypes people have of modern Aboriginal people by presenting Aboriginal culture in a positive way. I want people to understand the culture and the country,” Capes said.
Capes works to advance the Indigenous tourism industry through his leadership in the Western Australian Indigenous Tourism Operators Committee, the Shark Bay World Heritage Committee and Indigenous Tourism Australia.
“I think education and awareness of Aboriginal culture is so important, for Aboriginal kids, and for non-Aboriginal people. NAIDOC week is a great thing, because it is a time all Australians can walk together, and learn together, about something that is very unique. We have the oldest living culture in the world, and that is something all Australians should be proud of.”
To learn more visit http://www.wulaguda.com.au/
Across Australia every July, NAIDOC Week celebrates the history, culture and achievements of Aboriginal and Torres Strait Islander peoples. In honour of NAIDOC 2011 YMAC is featuring a series of Aboriginal people and organisations that contribute to the vibrant Aboriginal culture of the Midwest and Pilbara. For more information on NAIDOC including its history and events happening near you, visit http://www.naidoc.org.au/.