NAIDOC Week, from 1–8 July 2012, is an opportunity for Indigenous and non-Indigenous Australians to join together to recognise the valuable contribution Indigenous people make to Australia’s national identity.
Indigenous Australians are encouraged to nominate fellow community members to receive National NAIDOC Awards and submit entries, based on this year’s theme, to the National NAIDOC Poster Competition. The winning entry, which receives a $5000 cash prize, will feature on the 2012 National NAIDOC poster and be displayed across Australia in workplaces, schools and community organisations. Entries for the 2012 National NAIDOC Poster Competition close on Friday 30 March.
Communities and individuals can also acknowledge the contributions and talents of artists and other outstanding Indigenous individuals by nominating them for a National NAIDOC Award. There are ten award categories including the prestigious Person of the Year and Lifetime Achievement Awards. Winners will be honoured during NAIDOC Week at the premier NAIDOC event, the National NAIDOC Awards Ceremony and Ball to be held in Hobart on Friday 6 July 2012. Nominations for the 2012 National NAIDOC Awards close on Friday 27 April.
For entry forms and more information, visit or talk to your nearest Indigenous Coordination Centre on 1800 079 098.