The 2013 Indigenous Australian Engineering Summer School (IAESS) is
looking for students to participate in a week-long engineering program
taking place at Curtin university in January next year.
The course is run by Curtin University in partnership with Engineering
Aid Australia, and is held annually for Aboriginal and Torres Strait
Islander Students from around the country. It is a seven-day live-in
summer school, and features a combination of engineering and social
activities that will prepare students for further engineering studies
and careers.
Students chosen to take part in the program will meet engineers and
participate in classes, labs and field trips to give them a hands-on
experience of engineering. As well as this, they will have the chance to
form a social network to encourage each other, and others, to follow
engineering careers.
To apply, students must be currently enrolled in years 10 or 11 and have
demonstrated the interest and academic potential to pursue a career in
engineering. Chosen students will be fully financially supported to
participate in the IAESS in Perth.
For more information including application forms, brochures and videos, please visit the IAESS website.
Alternatively, contact the program coordinator, Tim Keely via or (08) 9266 7884.